Our Values
This is our core value. The word NEOTENY comes from zoology and its literal meaning is the retention of juvenile features in the adult animal. The way we define NEOTENY is that it is about bringing all the best aspects of our 4-year-old selves into being – that is being joyful, playful, energetic, curious, creative, and approaching life with a sense of awe, wonder and possibility. Importantly, these traits are then combined with all the best aspects of having an adult perspective – being mature and thoughtful, efficient, organised, realistic and taking advantage of knowledge gained through learning and experience. Maricar’s spirit of NEOTENY was the reason Scott fell in love with her all those years ago, which is why this value is so important to us.
For us this means being responsible for our behaviour, learning from our mistakes, speaking up, taking action to make things better, showing initiative and owning and taking pride in our strengths.
We describe TEAMWORK as doing what’s best for the team, cooperating to achieve great results for our customers and our business, being flexible, and understanding different people have different styles of working and they contribute different ideas that are of benefit to the team.
At Zoie, we see this as being thankful, optimistic and generous. We’re lucky that we can look out to the beautiful Indian ocean to remind of this value, each and every day!